What a weird birthday, singing Messiah all day out of the score my mammy bought me in 1970. Everyone else had a download or a paperback score, while mine was hardback covered. by my mammy no doubt, in sticky backed plastic, now decomposing. It was wonderful, and lovely Arab food for lunch. A poke from Brennan's on the way home and a smokey bacon and cheese farl for tea. Ate all the recycled Ukranian birthday chocolates and a handful of Belgian chocolate buttons. Pined because I gave away my chocolate chip shortbread yesterday. Trying now to make it to midnight without tackling the heel of the plain loaf I also bought in Brennan's. Am suitably distracted by a series of documentaries and recordings of Carole King. That's another good birthday present. Early on in the Messiah rehearsal, that bad Ria Facebooked a desperate photo of me and sunglasses and pointy finger with a load of Liquorice Allsorts. I couldn't get on my phone during the rehearsal or performance of course, so the emojis proliferated. I know some very good people and I think I sent a wee emoji heart to each of them when I finally got home. Very good people.
Weird birthday