Bad feeling, pulling the flap off the letter box and knowing the leaflet you've just posted exposes your candidate. Letter boxes have become an obsession. Someone told me that low down ones are illegal. I hope so, but why are there still any? Then there are: the vicious ones that cause industrial injury; the ones that dogs hid behind ready to eat the leaflet; the free standing cast iron pillars I envy, except that they are Royal Mail or An Post; the plastic free standing identity free ones I don't envy; ones sellotaped shut having driven their owners mad with flapping, and I mustn't interfere; I saw a wooden one today; there are a few American round ones on posts at the gate. I like them; most post boxes are standard metal ones fixed to the wall beside the door. They don't last long so close to the sea. They rust, people get fed up with the wee keys and the flap falls down, people like me pull the flap off...